Urice and Adler Update on US Government Lawlessness in Cultural Property Field

Derek Fincham has posted the latest version of Urice and Adler's working paper examining the lawlessness of the U.S. Executive branch's approach to cultural property issues. See http://illicit-cultural-property.blogspot.com/2011/03/urice-and-adler-on-disjunction-between.html The ACCG Baltimore test case is discussed in the article as an example of the disconnect between what the law says and the practices of the State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and US Customs.

Cultural Property and Antiquities Must Be Protected

Two Georgetown Law students have written this opinion piece for Georgetown Law Weekly. See http://www.gulawweekly.org/opinions/2011/3/29/cultural-property-and-antiquities-must-be-protected.html They state, Every time we turn on the news, members of Congress are railing about wasteful federal spending and the dire need to curb ineffective programs. Yet Monday, at a public meeting on the Hill about one of the most ineffective, and potentially illegal, federally-funded committees, not one Congressman, staff member, or reporter was present. [Note, there were at least two Congressional staff members present, but most of the audience were students of the field of cultural property law.] The Cultural Property Advisory Committee (CPAC) was established in 1983 by the Cultural Property Implementation Act to advise the Department of State on which art and artifacts should be restricted on import due to looting. The goal was to reduce looting of art and archaeological sites by cutting off the U.S. market, in accordance with a 1970 international treaty. CPIA was meant to transcend activism to strike a balance between the free trade in antiquities and ethical preservation of the world�s cultural heritage. But since its enactment, CPAC has been horrifically derailed. CPAC board members are archaeologists, historians, and other experts who understand the value of cultural heritage and are clearly interested in the United States� ethical treatment of international cultural property. It is a sorry and sour comment on the Department of State when CPAC�s own members, so dedicated to its mission, resign and call for the committee�s dissolution. Several former committee members, including a member who resigned just 21 days ago, told horror stories of inefficiency, secrecy, and outright illegality. For example, a former Chairman recalled a member sleeping through meetings, the Department of State blatantly ignoring CPAC�s votes and recommendations, and being denied access to the Committee�s own research and documents. As a result, the Department of State creates over inclusive trade restrictions that deny acquisitions to U.S. collectors and museums. Those works of art and archaeological artifacts, many with immeasurable monetary and educational value, simply go elsewhere, often to European markets with more precise but less restrictive import bans. The net effect? Turning away major investments during a recession, while wasting government money on a committee the Department of State ignores anyway. It may not be a �sexy� issue like health care or gay marriage, but protecting art and cultural property is an important goal, especially in light of the recent spread of armed conflict in some of the world�s most archaeologically rich Middle East regions. CPAC protects nothing but the Department of State�s unethical acts. Deborah Newburg, 2L, is a staff writer for the Law Weekly. Amanda Blunt, 2L, is a guest writer for the Law Weekly. Both are members of Students Against Looting Valuable Antiquities (SALVAGE).

What I like...

Just found this awesome stationary shop called sugar paper via the latest issue of Matchbook.

and I loved this video about their shop and the art of letterpress

images via: matchbook video via: sugar paper

State Department in Contravention of the Law?

The CPRI has issued the following press release concerning its recent Capitol Hill Seminar, entitled, The Cultural Property Implementation Act: Is it Working? See State Department in Contravention of the Law? A related question is whether the State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is listening or whether Assistant Secretary Anne Stock and her staff remain tone deaf as ever.

He's Back....

Just when we thought he was gone, Zahi Hawass has been reappointed Egyptian Minister of Antiquities. See http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/8906/Egypt/Politics-/Hawass-is-persuaded-back-into-Egypt-Minister-of-An.aspx Presumably the serious allegations of corruption made against the SCA in general and against Hawass personally will now be swept under the rug. More evidence that Egypt's revolution is at best cosmetic. And, no doubt elements within US law enforcement, who have also hitched their own stars to the AIA, to Hawass and their repatriation efforts will also help discourage any US effort to ascertain whether corrupt Egyptian government officials dipped into the millions of dollars the US taxpayer has spent on Egyptian archaeology.

Book Collection

Just added these two babies to my ever growing collection...

and the ever growing collection continues...

diy: dining room light

After sharing an awesome DIY ikea hack the other day, I came across another great one that I thought was uber chic and worth sharing!

my DIY sense is tickling! I can't wait for the weather to get better so I can have some DIY fun :)

Etsy Finds: Neutral & Brass

via here

via here

via here

via here

via here

via here

via here

via here
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diy: ikea hack style

Check out this amazing DIY ikea hack from Me, you and a wiener, trust me this is jaw dropping!!

the before
and the after!

Style Icon: taylor tomasi hill

images via here

1 vase 4 ways

I loved this segment on the Steven and Chris show when it first aired...

start with a simple vase, the dollar store has tons of great vase shapes to choose from

fresh pops of yellow

elegant sit down dinner perhaps?

great center pieces for spring!